about me

Hi, this is Alex
Hello, I'm Alexander.
I used to ride horses as a kid and then forgot about it for many years (35 or so).
Then, in 2018, my wife exclaimed that it was never too late for a happy childhood, and then took riding lessons at the age of 47. A short time later she was able to buy her school horse "Filou" from the stable owner and at the end of the song my wife went horseback riding on Sundays and I did the stable work.
As is the case with us men, it took a few weeks of crap before I realized what was going wrong. I had the work, SHE had the fun. So I booked riding lessons again (it's like riding a bike) and was then able to ride out with my riding school horse Rion on Sundays.
Rion (then 16 years old) has some health restrictions (Spat) and shouldn't go to riding lessons anymore, so I bought him. So the fun started.
Since my horse Rion was not in a condition that can be described as "well muscled", I started looking for ways to do gymnastics for a horse with joint problems. Especially in a way that even a beginner like me can use. That's how I came up with the standardized exercises of Equikinetic® and Dual Activation by Michael Geitner.
I got very involved with the exercises to build muscle and to
Improving coordination and balance and finally taking a full coaching course so I know exactly how to support my horse. I completed the course in 2022 as a licensed Equikinetic and Dual Activation Trainer.
You can reach me very easily via this contact form.
Heiligenbornstrasse 44, 66359 Bous
M: 0049 171 7094516